Do Snails Eat Plants?

Snails feed on a variety of plants, including zucchini, spinach, cucumber, carrot, lettuce, and cabbage, causing holes and tears in leaves. Snails need a balanced diet that includes fresh fruits
Snails feed on a variety of plants, including zucchini, spinach, cucumber, carrot, lettuce, and cabbage, causing holes and tears in leaves. Snails need a balanced diet that includes fresh fruits
Kuhli loaches are notorious for their snail-hunting prowess and will actively seek out and devour unwanted snails in a community fish tank. They have a keen sense of smell and
Snails should not eat onions due to the toxic compound N-propyl disulfide, which can cause digestive damage and health problems. Onions can cause snails to experience diarrhea, lethargy, and respiratory
You need to acclimate your new snails for about 30 minutes. As for fresh water snails, you need to acclimate them for at least 8 hours. You should acclimate your
Snails don't cause bilharzia but they only host the parasite( Schistosomes) that causes Bilharzia. This is a parasitic worm that attaches itself to freshwater snails. Once it detaches from the